On Oct. 8th you can join others and read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and join in to beat the record of the most people reading the same book on the same day! This is sponsored by Wal-Mart and the book is available for you there for $8. The proceeds of the sale will be donated to JUMPSTART!
Make the Pledge to read!!! You can also purchase the book online! They are selling a special limited edition copy for the purpose of the contest!
Make the Donation to help Jumpstart. According to their site "Just $200 can sponsor a family and community literacy event, providing early education resources to an entire community of families to help jumpstart learning at home!"
Anyone tweeting with the hashtag #jumpstart has a chance to win a free copy of the book! 500 winners with 1 given away every 100 tweets!! Crazy fun!
Of course Amy at Resourcefulmommy had a great twitter Site Warming yesterday for the tweeting contest! Keep on tweeting!