On Friday July 10th ResourcefulMommy is hosting a Twitter Party Site warming for Dr. Weigh by Joanna Dolgoff, MD
THE BELOW POST IS ALL FROM RESOURCEFULMOMMY. Please click the button to go right to her blog and register for the sitewarming to learn and win!
You know that for an hour we will be able to ask Dr. Dolgoff our toughest kids' nutrition and exercise questions as well as share tips and concerns with fellow parents - aunts & uncles - grandparents on Twitter.
I would Love to incorporate this into our HOMESCHOOL routine. This would be for the entire family.
*************************************************************************************I would Love to incorporate this into our HOMESCHOOL routine. This would be for the entire family.
Did you know that you have a chance to win a Wii Fit?
Maintaining a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle is difficult for many parents. Helping their kids do the same can be nearly impossible, but programs such as Dr. Weigh and fun fitness tools like the Wii Fit certainly help!
Are you ready to win Door Prizes?
Ten SiteWarming Party winners will receive gift cards to eat fresh at Subway! One SiteWarming Grand Prize winner will win one free month of membership to Dr. Weigh.
WHO IS Dr. Janna Dolgoff and what is the Dr. Weigh website? Go exploring to see what all is on her site. I found Nutrition lessons, recipes, food database, blog and newsletter access and even a message board! According to her site, a child's road to wellness begins here!
The site stated:
"She created a simple traffic light-based system which allows children to lose weight safely and easily. With Dr. Dolgoff's Weigh, kids learn which foods are healthiest without counting calories or fat. Dr. Dolgoff has divided over one thousand foods into green light, yellow light, and red light categories with appropriate serving sizes. Each child is allotted a certain number of colors for each meal and snack. No food is off-limits. Dr. Dolgoff’s flexible program allows kids to be kids. Your child will lose weight safely with a program designed by a Board Certified Pediatrician."
Hope to see you at the Twitter Chat! Don't forget you must go visit ResourcefulMommy to learn more and enter! Just click her button!