According to ResourcefulMommy "Online codes for everything. Heck, even my children's kids meal toys from fast food restaurants come with a code. Technology's infiltration of all things has occurred, so it's our job as parents to stay on top of what is happening in this brave new world. There are tons of sites to be found to learn about protecting your tween online and even sites that tell you about interesting new technology for kids. "
ResourcefulMommy is having a Site Warming Party tonight (Friday June 19th) to introduce her viewers to, The Online Mom: Tech Tools for Parents! I had fun surfing around there today! Amy at ResourcefulMommy interviewed Monica Vila of The Online Mom about her site and posted this on her site--
"No matter the economic landscape, there remains one constant - good parents will put nothing above the well-being of their child. A parent's role is to nurture, protect, teach, and empower their child as they grow and explore the world. For today's parents, that means learning about and embracing technology.
Kids are attracted to and at ease with technology, while parents are left to marvel at how quickly kids pick up technology and seem to grasp it immediately. Parents are often racing to keep up with the latest thing - IM'ing, Facebook, Twittering, Wii - but what does it all mean?
The Online Mom bridges the gap between what kids know and what parents need to know to stay head in the ever-evolving world of technology. We are a one-stop, interactive organization providing clear information, product reviews and advice about the technology our kids interact with on a daily basis - from cell phones to internet to gaming systems. Whether online or in person at a grassroots level, we help parents understand what is right for their family, what is safe and hot to use technology resources to help their kids thrive in a digital culture."

So go check out The Resourceful Mommy and RSVP for the party!!! Tweet ya there! I"ll be tweeting as @susieqtpies (normally i'm @susieqtpie)