Whoever heard of such a thing! This is just wild technology in action! Online Guitar lessons?? My daughter took her first online Guitar lessons this past week through
CurrClick! It was really fun to see her plugged into the computer along with 14 other people from around the world!!!

CLASS DESCRIPTION (From CurrClick site)
Learn skills on the guitar which will enable you to play thousands of songs! In this beginning guitar course you will learn how to play songs, accompany yourself singing, and jam with others. We'll learn the basics used by the Beatles, Bob Dylan, Jack Johnson, John Mayer, James Taylor, the Rolling Stones, Johnny Cash, Bob Marley, and many more.
This course will include four live teaching sessions. During these sessions, students will be taught how to get started, the different parts of the instrument, holding the instrument, tuning, playing chords, strumming and picking, rhythm & timing, playing with others, and reading Tablature.
ABOUT THE TEACHER (From CurrClick site)
Tim Weed is a professional musician and singer with 30 years of experience performing and teaching. He teaches acoustic and electric guitar styles as well as voice, banjo and mandolin. His expertise covers a wide range of styles, including pop, rock, Americana, bluegrass, jazz, blues, world, and classical.
Tim worked as a Los Angeles studio musician playing electric and acoustic guitar on over 100 CD's in a wide variety styles. He has received international acclaim for his CD, Milagros. He also travels performing his original music which has been featured on NPR and in a concert for the Dalai Lama.
Tim lives in Northern California working as a concert musician, recording artist, producer, composer, and teacher. He's a world-traveler, organic gardener, naturalist, hiker, surfer, and father of two wonderful children. You can find out more information on Tim Weed at www.timweed.com www.timweedmusic.com
Here are some pictures of my daughter. She was able to type in responses and ask questions! She really enjoyed the class. He gave them sheets of work to do over the next week through email!

Very impressive! This is our first Live
Class at CurrClick! It will not be our last!
She is going to participate in their
HOMESCHOOL GOT TALENT Live Online Talent Show on November 4
Go check out their store!
Click here to find out more!