Tuesday, June 30, 2009
WINNER of Katie and Kimble Giveaway!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Are there positive aspects of Youth Sports???
TwitterMoms just put out a post asking us if "As a parent, how do you encourage and reinforce the positive aspects of youth sports?" This question is being sponsored by Liberty Mutual Responsible Sports.

Our youngest has finally settled into TaeKwonDo. She is also very non competitive. TKD has allowed her to get exercise, work with others, develop a skill and take responsibility for her learning. She has to "do her best" and she wants to do her best.
We started homeschooling 3 years ago. During these past few years of not being in the school system we have found that we have more flexibility in choosing sports and activities for them that offer more than the hard core competitive drive. They have been taught to learn the sport that they are playing. They have been exposed to numerous sports. When they want to try something new then we try it. So hula hooping, bowling, tennis, golfing, soccer, swimming,etc As with everything they do we want them to "Do your best".
Twitter moms and ResponsibleSports is running this contest. They want you to blog about "Are their positive aspects of Youth Sports?" The contest officially ends July 7. All participating bloggers will be contacted by a representative from Liberty Mutual the week of July 13.
• 20 bloggers to post about positive aspects of youth sports and include a link to ResponsibleSports.com will be randomly selected to receive a $15 pre-paid AMEX gift card
• The blogger with the most comments will receive a $50 gift card
• The blogger who generates the most Twitter discussion using the hashtag #responsiblesports will receive a $100 gift card (Twitter discussion is defined as tweeting questions, comments, thoughts on the topic of positive aspects of youth sports).
About the Liberty Mutual Responsible Sports Program:
Created by Liberty Mutual in partnership with Positive Coaching Alliance, US Youth Soccer, USA Hockey and the Amateur Softball Association, the Liberty Mutual Responsible Sports program provides resources for parents and coaches at www.responsiblesports.com to help children reap the full benefits of playing a team sport. The online community incorporates blogs, videos, and best practices on youth sports topics that provide practical, real-world advice. Parents and coaches also can complete coursework on positive sports mentoring that offers best practices for handling challenging sports scenarios.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Healthy Pantry Whole Grain Oatmeal Cookies
Guess what? After eating them we have to agree! This is our 3rd kit. I'm still amazed at how healthy these pre packed product kits are for you! They Healthy Pantry states this claim, "We do the "prep" and provide wholesome, nutritious, and tasty ingredients to mix with an item or two from your fridge. Enjoy a delicious, fresh & healthy dinner in just 10 minutes." They have lived up to this statement in everything that we have made.
The packaging is usually very clear in instructions. Anna found a few errors in this labeling! I'm sure The Healthy Pantry knows about them but just in case they don't this is what she found out.
- According to our label, we were to provide 6 T of butter yet in the instructions it stated to add 12 T of butter. She added the 12 T.
- Also according to label we were to provide one egg and the instructions also stated to mix in one egg. The problem was when she was reading the nutritional label it stated 2 eggs. So she added 2 eggs.
- The only other problem was the applesauce. The Kit included the 1 container of applesauce. The instructions stated to use "1/2 cup of applesauce" and so she wasn't sure if that meant half of what was provided or actual 1/2 cup measurement. She did measure out the container and it was over 1/2 cup but not quiet a 1 cup. She used the entire container.
"Turbinado sugar, is made from sugar cane extract. It is produced by crushing freshly cut sugar cane; the juice obtained is evaporated by heat, then crystallized. The crystals are spun in a centrifuge, or turbine (thus the name), to remove excess moisture, resulting in the characteristic large, light brown crystals. It is similar in appearance to brown sugarbut paler, with larger crystals, and in general the two can be exchanged freely in recipes. Turbinado sugar differs from refined white sugar in that it is obtained or crystallized from the initial pressing of sugar cane....In the U.S., most turbinado sugar is produced in Hawaii and is often sold as an organic product. The popular Hawaiian product sold in the U.S. is produced on Maui and marketed under the name brand "Sugar in the Raw."
The Healthy Pantry states this about their ingredients "It also has fewer calories per teaspoon, and when combined with our whole grains significantly reduces the sugar rush which is always followed by a crash! And because we use a 100% whole grain wheat flour and nutritious rolled oats, the higher fiber in these cookies will tide you over until your next meal as well as provide other digestive benefits. The Whole grain benefits with nearly 3 grams of fiber, 3 grams of protein and Flax seeds for Omega-3 fatty acids to protect against heart disease, promote bone health, control high blood pressure, and balance hormones."
These by far are the best cookies I have eaten that were not from our own recipe. They recipe included raisins. Anna did not add the raisins but added chocolate chips!!! We like to eat raisins but just not cooked. I wondered if carob chocolate chips could be an option with the kit? I don't personally bake with them but I know people who do. They were very yummy and moist. Best bet would be to put them in an air tight container when they have fully cooled.
The next morning I caught Anna eating them for breakfast. She said "but mom they are oatmeal and are healthy!" I totally agreed and ate one myself!
Please go check out The Healthy Pantry. They just came out with 5 more kits. We are wanting to try the Mac and Cheese and Chicken Tenders with Cheese and Shells. For more of our Healthy Pantry reviews please visit my other blog, Scraps of Life, and check out Gourmet Turkey Asian Burgers and Wild Salmon Patties with Quinoa!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Site Warming with ResourcefulMommy on The Online Mom

According to ResourcefulMommy "Online codes for everything. Heck, even my children's kids meal toys from fast food restaurants come with a code. Technology's infiltration of all things has occurred, so it's our job as parents to stay on top of what is happening in this brave new world. There are tons of sites to be found to learn about protecting your tween online and even sites that tell you about interesting new technology for kids. "
ResourcefulMommy is having a Site Warming Party tonight (Friday June 19th) to introduce her viewers to, The Online Mom: Tech Tools for Parents! I had fun surfing around there today! Amy at ResourcefulMommy interviewed Monica Vila of The Online Mom about her site and posted this on her site--
"No matter the economic landscape, there remains one constant - good parents will put nothing above the well-being of their child. A parent's role is to nurture, protect, teach, and empower their child as they grow and explore the world. For today's parents, that means learning about and embracing technology.
Kids are attracted to and at ease with technology, while parents are left to marvel at how quickly kids pick up technology and seem to grasp it immediately. Parents are often racing to keep up with the latest thing - IM'ing, Facebook, Twittering, Wii - but what does it all mean?
The Online Mom bridges the gap between what kids know and what parents need to know to stay head in the ever-evolving world of technology. We are a one-stop, interactive organization providing clear information, product reviews and advice about the technology our kids interact with on a daily basis - from cell phones to internet to gaming systems. Whether online or in person at a grassroots level, we help parents understand what is right for their family, what is safe and hot to use technology resources to help their kids thrive in a digital culture."

So go check out The Resourceful Mommy and RSVP for the party!!! Tweet ya there! I"ll be tweeting as @susieqtpies (normally i'm @susieqtpie)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Book Review and Giveaway! Katie & Kimble

Author Linda Thieman
Go to The Katie and Kimble blog to find out more! You will discover the activity corner, interactive Katie, video, color and activity sheets as well as other fun surprises!!!
Extra changes to win:
1- Go to Katie and Kimble blog and come back and tell me something you learned.
2- Go to my other blog and enter The Febreze Giveaway. Come back here and tell me you did. (5 chances)
3- Follow Katie and Kimble blog RSS feed (5 chances)
4- Follow me on twitter as @susieqtpie and tweet contest (2 chances)
5- Follow author on twitter as @LindaThieman
6-Refer a friend to the giveaway. IF they comment to win, let me know by leaving a comment for an extra entry!
7- Follow my other blog.
Leave a separate comment with each entry!
Contest runs June 16th-27th. If you are the winner you will have 48 hours to contact me. IF not i'll redraw! Good luck!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Launch of Schwinnjoyride.com and win a bike!

According to Resourceful Mommy, the new site is Schwinn Joyride: The Ultimate Resource for Two-Wheeled Family Adventure. Users will be able to:
- Create a biking journal
- Check out the featured bike of the month
- Read blog articles about topics ranging from when to remove training wheels to deciding when your child is ready for a bike
- Find great trails for a short family bike hike or a long bike vacation
- Watch videos and read tips on how to teach your child to ride a bike
- Learn about bike gear from helmets to all the bells and whistles (literally!)
- Utilize biking safety checklists
- Discover the importance of proper bicycle maintenance
- Become fit by learning about fitness through biking
- @LoriHeimerl Lori's Twitter profile describes her as a "Single Mom, Cool Girlfriend, Bike Marketing Diva." Let her know any questions you have about what Schwinn Joyride can do for your family!
- @Kim Orlando Kim is the founder of the popular site, Traveling Mom.
Join us as we tweet about Family Biking - bring your questions, your stories, and your tips!
THREE winners will each receive one (1) Women's Beach Cruiser Bike from Schwinn, each worth more than $150!
This contest is open to all U.S. residents age 18 years or older. Winners entries will be verified before prize is fulfilled. One bicycle will be awarded during the event. The contest for bikes 2 and 3 runs from 11:59 p.m. Thursday, June 11th until 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, June 16th.
http://resourcefulmommy.blogspot.com/2009/06/sitewarming-for-schwinnjoyride-friday.html is the site to RSVP!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Diane Birch Discover and Donate

"Discover the critically acclaimed debut album from new artist Diane Birch. Donate $1 to charity. Automatically.
S-Curve Records and Diane Birch are proud to present Discover & Donate. You discover Diane Birch’s soulful debut album, Bible Belt,then you choose one of six charities to receive a $1 donation from your purchase.
PLUS, who ever raises the most money for charity through their widget by June 23, 2009, will win a FREE PRIVATE PERFORMANCE in the winner’s hometown!! (We’ll even throw in a few refreshments.) More albums sold means more money donated. How cool is that? Want to start sharing?"
So what do you need to do? Go to http://www.dianebirch.com/charity/ , choose a widget and post to your blog, website or social networking page! Let your friends know about Diane Birch and Discover & Donate! $1 per album sold from clicks on your widget will go to your charity in your name! How sweet is that????
So to make this an even sweeter deal for the Charities and Diane Birch, Amy over at ResourcefulMommy is having one of her "awesome" Twitter Site Warming Parties this Friday for Diane Birch!! Any tweet with the hashtag #music4good between noon eastern Friday and 10 p.m. eastern Friday is automatically entered to win the Shuffle and gift cards.